
Ian MacNairn is an ultrarunner and The North Face athlete. He is part of the Ultra Trail Harricana family and has run both the 65K in 2014 and 28K in 2015.

Ian is currently working on a PhD in anthropology at the University of Calgary. His project is exploring the community of ultrarunning. He will be conducting online questionnaires and interviews – collecting our stories of ultrarunning and community. Ian is recruiting participants and is hoping to recruit as many as possible: runners, volunteers, directors, coaches, documentarians, fans… anyone related to ultrarunning. Elites, middle of the pack, and back of the pack. Veterans of the sport and those training for their first race.

Everyone is invited to participate. Please consider contributing to our community by participating! Contact Ian directly through his project-specific email: ianmacnairn.ultrastudy@gmail.com