


Art. 1.1 Preamble

The Ultra-Trail Harricana of Canada (herafter “the UTHC”) is a multi-race trail running event organized by Évènements Harricana in the area of La Malbaie, Quebec. Only registered individuals in compliance with these rules (hereinafter “the Athletes”) can participate in the UTHC races. The individual(s) referred to as race director(s) (“the Race Directors) represent the UTHC and enforce these Official Rules and Regulations.

For any situation that does not fall within the terms of these Rules and Regulations that requires a decision, whether before, after or during the event, the Race Directors must contact the general management.

Art. 1.2 Objectives of the Rules

• Ensure the Athletes know and understand the risks associated with trail running in general and participation in the UTHC events in particular;
• Establish the terms and types of consent connected to registration;
• Provide a coherent set of rules for all the races in the UTHC event

Art. 1.3 Intellectual Property and Copyrights

The UTHC retains all the rights associated with the events it organizes, including and without limitation, the rights to organize, use, broadcast and publish the photos and videos taken during the events. These rights pertain to, without limitation, all digital content (photo, audio, video) captured or produced during an event organized by the UTHC, regardless of the owner of the recording device. All personal information provided by the Athletes, all data recorded by spectators during the event and any other date that is made public (including, but not limited to, the results) maybe be used by the UTHC for any reasonable purpose, in order to assess, execute or market a UTHC event.

Upon registration, the Athletes are deemed to have authorized the UTHC to take photos and videos during the event and to have consented to all distribution and publishing of these photos or videos. The UTHC, its beneficiaries, successors and assignees can use, reproduce or publish any image taken during the event, in print and/or digital form. The Athlete agrees that the UTHC use these photos and videos, with or without the name of the Athlete, for legal purposes, including, but not limited to, activities such as publicity or illustration of web content, including on the UTHC social media accounts.

Art. 1.4 Waiver of Liability and Acceptance of Risk

An Athlete that voluntarily registers and participates in any UTHC event is deemed to have read and accepted the Rules and Regulations, including all modifications to said Rules and Regulations before the event.

The Athlete recognizes that trail running has inherent risks, including but not limited to: major or minor injuries, hypothermia, run-ins with dangerous wildlife, and conditions or injuries that could potentially cause death. The Athlete accepts entire responsibility for any BODILY OR MATERIAL DAMAGE resulting from the aforementioned risks and inherent dangers, and releases and exonerates the UTHC and its board, contractors and volunteers of all responsibility. For all legal purposes, the Athlete agrees to elect domicile in the province of Quebec, the seat for any claims, and Quebec’s laws apply.

Furthermore, the Athlete assumes all responsibility for damages of any nature resulting from a disregard of the Official Rules and Regulations and releases and exonerates the UTHC and its board, contractors and volunteers for all damages incurred.

The Athlete declares that he/she:

• Has full knowledge of the length and difficulty of the event to which he/she has registered and is fully prepared for said event, notably is in good general health and has trained appropriately for the distance being run.
• Has acquired a true capacity to autonomously manage any problems arising from this type of wilderness race, including, but not limited to, the capacity to deal with extreme weather conditions, physical or mental problems from fatigue, digestive problems, muscle pain, minor injuries, etc.
• Is fully aware that the role of the UTHC is not to help an athlete deal with his/her problems and that in an activity set in such a remote area, the Athlete’s safety depends on his/her own capacity to handle any problems that may arise.

Art. 1.5 Personal Insurance Coverage

All Athletes who do not reside permanently in Canada must be covered by a personal travel insurance policy for the duration of their stay in Canada as it relates to the event, at their own cost.

International Trail Running Association members have the option of registering for rescue and repatriation insurance that covers fees for search and rescue all over the world. See www.itra.run for more information.

NOTE: Helicopter evacuations are at the Athlete’s expense. The organization reserves the right to determine the most suitable evacuation method.

Fees stemming from the rescue methods or an evacuation will be paid by the rescued individual. The individual must also ensure their own transportation back from the location they were evacuated to. It is the runner’s responsibility to create an accident/injury file and present it to their personal insurer within the prescribed time period.



Art. 2.1 General

a) Registration

Dates Registration for the following year opens the day after the event of the current year. Registration closes three (3) weeks before the event for the current year, or when the maximum number of Athletes has been reached.

b) Registration Fees

Registration fees are payable solely by credit card on the harricana.info website. Registration fees include all the services described in the Official Rules and Regulations.







125 km





80 km





65 km





Classic 42 km





Saint-Siméon 42 km





28 km





20 km Night





20 km





10 km





5 km





1 km





c) Half-Price Registration for a Second Race (on Sunday)

Athletes registered for a race on Saturday who would also like to run a race on Sunday can register for 50% off the regular price of the second race. Please contact info@harricana.info. The organization will verify the promotional code and that it has been used properly and honestly. Anyone found to have given away or traded their code or to have falsely identified a runner will be disqualified. All those involved in the false declaration will not be allowed to register to any UTHC race for the current year and the following year.

d) Discounts for Clubs

Upstanding running and sports clubs with an official structure and charter can email the UTHC (info@harricana.info) to request a 15% discount on the listed registration fees. The clubs must respect the event’s distribution agreement in their network based on the agreement made with the UTHC. The clubs can also request a 10×10 space on the event site (first come, first served).

e) Fundraising Program for the MSSC

As a socially responsible business, the Ultra-Trail Harricana of Canada is proud to be associated with the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada (MSSC). A fundraising campaign takes place every year where devoted Athletes raise money to support research.

Athletes who wish to contribute to the fundraising campaign will receive discounts on their registration fees as detailed below:



$1,000 +

Free registration for the current or following year*

From $750 to $999.99

75% discount*

From $500 to $749.99

50% discount*

From $250 to $499.99

25% discount*

$150 and more

A spot in the race distance of your choice, even if it is fully booked (registration fees still apply)

*on the registration fees for the current year or a coupon (same amount) for the following year. The discount can be given to another athlete.

If the Athlete has already registered, a discount code can be given or the applicable reimbursement can be applied up to 21 days before the event. All requests after this date will be refused. In addition, all Athletes who raise at least $250 will receive a free UTHC T-shirt as a thank-you gift.

f) Elite Athletes

Free registration for elite Athletes:
An unlimited number of elite Athletes may participate in the event free of charge* if they meet or surpass the ITRA points noted below in the same trail category at the time of registration (XXL, XL, L, M, S, XS):
Men: 750
Women: 625

*Athletes must register before July 15 for this offer to apply. All winners of any past UTHC race (any year) may also request free registration to the same distance race.

Free registration and lodging for headliners:
In addition to receiving free registration, 14 headlining Athletes (influencers) will be offered a maximum of three nights of accommodation (double occupancy) OR can request the fixed rate of $150 to cover their lodging.

Selection for the welcome program including lodging will be based on the following criteria:
Influence (social media/blogs, social involvement, etc.)
Performance (ITRA points, wins/ranking)
The target distance, your country of origin, etc.

At least seven (7) spaces are reserved for Athletes from outside Quebec and from overseas. Interested Athletes can apply to the program up until June 30. Successful applicants will be announced every month. Applications will remain admissible throughout the candidacy period. The earlier you submit your application, the better your chances of being selected by the jury. The jury will be made up of race organizers, as well as elite Athletes who have participated in the event in the past.

All Athletes in the headliner program (with or without accommodation) will also receive:

  • Promotion/Visibility on all UTHC communication platforms (website, newsletters, program, etc.)
  • The opportunity to participate in an organized tourism program outside of the event, free of charge (e.g. whale watching, etc.)
  • An invitation to a welcome cocktail (optional)

All Athletes admitted to the headliner program are required to participate in the kick-off press conference and to attend the closing ceremony.

g) Number of Participants

The maximum number of participants in the UTHC events (all events combined) in a particular year is 3,000.

h) Registration

Procedure All registration, without exception, must be done through the online ticket office. Payment by credit card only.

i) Prerequisite for the 125 km distance

In order to register for the UTHC 125 km race, Athletes must have run an official race of 50 km or more in the past three (3) years. If they haven’t, Athletes must demonstrate to the organization that they are prepared to run this distance.

j) Personal Information

Before or after the event, the UTHC may ask Athletes to provide specific personal information to ensure their health, well-being and safety during event activities. This information will be kept confidential and will not be shared with any third party, unless required for the reason it was collected. This information will be used solely for the purposes of providing aid.

Art. 2.2 Modification and Cancellation Policies

a) Transferring Registration from One Person to Another

Transferring registration from one person to another is not permitted. Every new Athlete must register separately. Please note that proof of identity is required to pick up your bib. Given the issues of safety and fairness, Athletes must recognize that running under another person’s name will not be tolerated. Consequently, if anyone is found to have given away or traded their bib/identification or to have falsely identified themselves, they will be disqualified. All those involved in the false declaration will not be allowed to register to any UTHC race for the current year and the following year.

b) Changing Events

Participants registered in a UTHC race can request a race transfer.

General conditions: All transfer requests are conditional to the availability of the new event. UTHC reserves the right to refuse registration for a race that is already full.

Race transfer deadlines and fees: Race transfers can be done within the following timelines, by paying the associated fees:



 45 days or more from the event (until  July 23, 2024, incl.)


  44 to 31 days from the event (from July 24 to August 7, 2024, incl.)


 30 to 16 days from the event (from August 8 to August 21, 2024, incl.)


 15 days or less from the event (from August 22, 2024, to the race)


*For medically justified reasons, a registered athlete can request a transfer to a less difficult race, even if spots are sold out. The UTHC team reserves the right to make the final decision.

Transfer to a longer race: in addition to transfer fees, any athlete who requests to be transferred to a longer race must pay the difference in registration fees. The fee for the new race is that which is in effect at the time of the request.

Transfer to a shorter race: any athlete who requests to be transferred to a shorter race will be refunded the difference in registration fees. The athlete must still cover the transfer fees.

Request process: All transfer requests must be sent by email to info@harricana.info.

c) Cancellation Policy

Partial reimbursement is provided on registration cancellations until 31 days before race day. All cancellation requests must be made by email (info@harricana.info). Cancellations do not require a change fee.

Transferring a registration to the following year or to another Athlete is not permitted. Partial reimbursements for cancellations are as follows:



 90 days or more until race day (until June 8th, 2024)


 Between 89 and 60 days to race day (from June 9th to July 8, 2024, incl.)


 Between 59 and 45 days to race day (from July 9 to July 23, 2024, incl.)


 Between 44 and 31 days to race day (from July 24 to August 7, 2024, incl.)


 30 days or less until race day (from August 8, 2024, to the race)




Art. 3.1 Athlete’s Code of Conduct

Each Athlete must:

• read, understand and adhere to all the UTHC rules and regulations;
• demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times;
• be responsible for his/her own safety and that of others;
• know, understand and follow all of the Official Rules and Regulations of the UTHC;
• have all of the equipment and clothing needed for the activity;
• stay on the marked trail at all times;
• leave no trace and follow the sustainable development policy;
• carry all garbage to the nearest aid station and dispose of it in the designated bins;
• avoid disturbing the flora and fauna;
• be semi-autonomous.

Art. 3.2 Eligibility and Anti-Doping Regulations

The Ultra-Trail Harricana of Canada has a zero-tolerance policy for the use of performance-enhancing drugs (PED). From when the Athlete picks up his/her race bib to end of the event, the UTHC reserves the right to conduct drug testing for any of the substances appearing on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s list or to demand, 15 days before the event, that the Athlete provide such test results.

The UTHC stresses that although cannabis consumption is legal in Canada, all cannabinoids except cannabidiol (CBD), are prohibited during competition by the WADA.

Refusal to take a drug test required by the UTHC or any manipulation or attempt to manipulate a sample taken for such testing will be considered equivalent to a positive drug test result and the Athlete will be subject to the sanction provided in Article 6.

Any Athlete under sanctions for doping imposed by the WADA, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) or any other national sports federation, or who has been subject to such sanction in the five years preceding the event, will not be allowed to register for a UTHC race.

Art. 3.3 Environmental Compliance

By virtue of being registered for a UTHC race, participants agree to do everything possible to respect the environment and the natural areas they encounter, specifically by following the rules below.

• It is strictly prohibited to leave garbage (gel tubes, plastic wrappers, papers, etc.) along the race courses. Participants must carry their garbage and wrappers with them until they can be disposed of in the designated bins at the aid stations.
• It is critical to follow the marked course without taking short cuts, which cause erosion and damage.
• Disposable dishware (utensils, cups, bowls) will not be available at the aid stations. You must bring your own utensils and dish/bowl if you plan on eating the hot food that will be available.

Art. 3.4 Minimum Age

There are no age restrictions for the 10 km or less race distances.

To participate in the 28 km and 20 km race, runners aged 14 and under must receive parental authorization to participate and must be accompanied by an adult who remains within 10 metres of the child throughout the entire race or both Athletes will be disqualified.

For the 42 km race and over, children aged 14 and under are not permitted. Runners aged 15 to 17 must obtain parental authorization and be accompanied by an adult who remains within 10 metres of the child throughout the entire race or both Athletes will be disqualified.

Art. 3.5 Semi-Autonomy

Athletes running in the UTHC events are expected to be semi-autonomous. Semi-autonomy is defined as the ability to be independent between two aid stations. This means having enough food and the appropriate safety equipment and clothing to ensure the Athlete can face any problem that may occur (e.g. bad weather, physical problems, injury, etc.).

The principle of semi-autonomy includes, but is not limited to, the following rules:
• All Athletes must carry the required equipment during the entire race (see Article 4.2 for the longer distances and Article 5.2 for the shorter distances). A UTHC representative can ask to verify an Athlete’s backpack and its contents at any moment during the race and can impose the corresponding sanctions if necessary (Art. 4.3). Athletes are obliged to comply with any such request.
• Aid stations offer food and beverages to be consumed onsite. Athletes must ensure they have enough water and food to get to the next aid station.
• With the exception of the 80 km event, it is forbidden to be accompanied during all or part of the race by a person who is not registered to run the race. Article 4.6 outlines the rules for the 80 km event.

Art. 3.6 Race Distances

The true distances of the events can vary slightly, depending on territorial, operational and safety considerations.

The race distances the UTHC offers any given year are:

• 5 km
• 10 km
• 20 km
• 20 km Night Duo*
• 28 km *
• Classic 42 km 
• Saint-Siméon 42 km
• 65 km
• 80 km 
• 125 km

*Unless otherwise specified in the rules and regulations, the “28 km” designation refers to two (2) races, both the 28 km and the 20 km Night Duo

**Unless otherwise specified in the rules and regulations, the “42 km” designation refers to two races, both the Classic 42 km, and the Saint-Siméon 42 km.

Athletes must follow the marked race course. All Athletes are responsible for making sure they always have a course marker in view. CAUTION: If you don’t see a marker, go back the way you came! Any Athlete who has not completed the entire marked course must notify the organization and declare themselves disqualified. Disqualification means the runner will not have an official race time and will not receive ITRA points for the race. Timing and results will not be modified in the event an Athlete has run a longer distance than required.

Art. 3.7 Modifications to the Course or Race Cancellation

In cases of force majeure, particularly unfavourable weather conditions or any other circumstance creating a safety risk for Athletes, volunteers or safety personnel, the UTHC reserves the right to change the course and/or delay or cancel the race. Such changes may occur at any time, even after the start of the race. The UTHC commits to attempt to notify Athletes of such changes via the most fitting means.

Art. 3.8 Safety and First Aid

A team of professionals and volunteers will be onsite to provide emergency care to Athletes along the race course, at aid stations and at the finish line. Every aid station will have first-aid trained personnel and specialized teams will be called upon if needed.

Art. 3.9 Cut-offs, Time Limits and Drop-outs

a) Cut-offs

Cut-off times indicate the latest time an Athlete can LEAVE the aid station. The cut-off times for each event are indicated in the appropriate athlete’s guide. The purpose of cut-off times is to ensure the safety of all runners by enabling teams to be sent out along the courses to follow runners’ progress, from the back of the pack to the first finishers. These teams also ensure that the race is well organized and that volunteers have decent working conditions.

Closers will close the course by following the last Athlete. They assist Athletes who wish to drop out and those with injuries. Athletes who do not arrive at the next aid station before the established cut-off time will not be allowed to continue the race and will be given a DNF (did not finish) result. The cut-off times are applied strictly to ensure the safety of all Athletes, volunteers and employees involved in the event.

b) Dropping Out for Medical Reasons

For the safety of all Athletes, the medical team has the authority to require an Athlete to drop out if it judges it unsafe for the athlete to continue. The Athlete must comply with the medical team’s decision or face immediate disqualification.

c) Dropping Out and Return Transportation

Except in the case of injury, Athletes can only drop out of the race at an aid station. They must tell the aid station captain they want to drop out so that the captain can invalidate the bib.

It is possible to drop out of a race at any aid station except La Chouette, where it is not allowed to drop out except in the case of a force majeure. The logistics of reaching this aid station make it impossible to guarantee efficient evacuation. If you are not sure you will make it to the Hautes-Gorges aid station after La Marmotte, you must drop out at La Marmotte.

Athletes who drop out will receive a DNF (did not finish) result.

All Athletes who do not make the cut-off time, who have dropped out or are required to drop out for medical reasons will be brought back to the finish area by transportation organized by the UTHC. This process may take several hours.

Art. 3.10 Aid Stations

The following rules apply to the UTHC aid stations:

• Only Athletes wearing their official race bibs have access to the aid stations;
• Garbage must be disposed of the in the appropriate bins, following the specific instructions for types of waste. Discarding any object, paper or waste on the trails is strictly prohibited and is cause for disqualification.

Runner support crews must follow the rules regarding their involvement at aid stations (Art. 4.5).

Art. 3.11 Race Bibs

A photo ID is required to pick up individual bibs and when demonstrating that you have the required material for the race. Bibs must be worn on the front of the body and must always be visible throughout the entire race. The bib gives runners access to the shuttle buses, aid stations and the post-race meal. A clearly visible bib also makes it possible to identify you in event photos.

A QR code is printed on each bib. This code is used to track athletes on the course and must remain clean and legible at all times.

Art. 3.12 Prizes

• There are no cash awards. The three top Athletes from each category will receive a prize.
• All Athletes having finished the race before the cut-off times can download their finisher certificate from the Sportstats website.
• No prizes will be distributed or sent by mail.
• The top three finishers of the 125 km race must attend the closing ceremony to receive their place award.

Art. 3.13 More than One Winner

In the event that two (or more) Athletes cross the finish line together, voluntarily, for one of the first three places, they will share the place finish and the corresponding prizes (trophies, gifts, etc.). If two Athletes cross the finish line at the same time without intending to share the place finish, the official race time will determine the exact finishing times and the positions will be assigned accordingly to each individual.

Art 3.14 “Gun time” Timing

Because of the wave start system, which allows for greater fluidity on courses, which is a priority for the runners’ experience, the UTHC is returning to a timing system based on the starting signal (also called “gun time”). Thus, runners lining up for the same event will all have the same starting time. The final classification of the athletes will therefore be established according to their order of passage under the arrival arch.

Athletes who wish to compete for the podium are invited to position themselves in the first start wave of their event to avoid a time penalty. Access to the first wave is possible for everyone.

Note that at the end of their event, athletes will also have access to their real race time (also called chip time) via the Sportstats app.


Art. 4.1 Start

All the events of 42 km and longer are linear. This means the races do not start at the Mont Grand-Fonds finish area. It is important to take note of all the procedures outlined in the athlete’s guide to avoid missing the start of the event. If the number of Athletes registered requires it, the start may be split into waves. Should this be the case, ATHLETES will be notified prior to the event. All latecomers will be refused access to the start area and will receive a DNS (did not start) result.

Art. 4.2 Equipment

Some basic equipment is mandatory for these events. This is the absolute minimum required, and should be adapted to each Athlete’s own needs and capacities. Runners are considered semi-autonomous in these races.






COVID : two masks or face coverings





COVID : bottle of antiseptic product





Minimum 1 litre of water





Food supply (energy bars, gels, etc.)










EpiPen (for those who need it)





Survival blanket (min. 1,40m x 2m)





Reusable cup or container for food and liquid *





Cell phone **





Course map (Ondago app or other GPX app)





Waterproof jacket with hood ***





Warm hat (tuque)





Working headlamp with extra set of batteries ****










Long-sleeved mid-layer (arm-warmers do not count as midlayer)





Extra set of batteries, extra working headlamp or power bank





Basic first aid kit *****





Cap, bandana or Buff®





Bear bell





Trekking poles















Precisions :

*  The aid stations will not provide cups, dishes or cutlery. You must carry what you need with you. Minimum : 150 ml

** With pre-registered emergency number (833) 427-7422. For short distances around Mont Grand-Fonds sector, cellular signal is generally available at all times.

***  The jacket must have an attached hood (windbreakers will not be accepted)

****  200 lumens or more for the main headlamp

***** Including blister dressings, water sterilization system, lighter, taping, acetaminophen, dry ice, sterile bandage, pocket knife, etc..

Art. 4.3 Mandatory Equipment Check

Having the mandatory equipment means you will be prepared for anything that might occur during your race, which takes place in isolated backcountry terrain, where temperatures can change quickly. Certain material is required to ensure your safety and that of the other Athletes and volunteers. Athletes are also expected to adhere to this requirement so that all competitors are on equal footing.

To ensure that all Athletes have the mandatory equipment at the start of the race and that Athletes’ bags weigh approximately the same amount, the mandatory equipment for the 125 km event will be checked at bib pick-up. All items required for the 125 km will be checked and one mandatory item will be checked at random for the other long distances over 42 km. UTHC reserves the right to verify ALL the required mandatory items will be checked for ALL the races events.

A bag check could be required at any time during the race. Athletes must allow a UTHC representative to check their bag upon request or they will face a penalty.

Athletes who start the race without all the mandatory equipment as verified by the UTHC will receive a penalty. Athletes will also receive a penalty for refusing to submit to a bag check upon request from a UTHC representative (see Article 6.2).

Art 4.4 Drop Bags

a) 42 km, 65 km and 80 km

Participants in these races can leave a bag with personal effects (like extra clothing or items that will not be needed during the race) at the race start. A bag will be provided at the bib pick-up. The bag must be labelled as specified. A shuttle will bring the bag to the finish area. A bag with personal effects (towel, dry clothing, etc.) can also be left at the main event site.

b) 125 km

Bag transport is available for people running this distance. A bag will be provided at the bib pick-up. The bag can be left at the start on the morning of the race. It must be labelled as specified. The bag will be sent to the mid-point of the race—the Hautes-Gorges aid station—then to the finish line at the Mont Grand-Fonds ski centre. Bags must be picked up no later than two (2) hours after the event closes. After that, Athletes must pick up their bag, at their expense, at the organization’s office. Bags will not be returned by mail.

Art 4.5 Support Crew

a) 42 km, 65 km, and 80 km

Support crew assistance is prohibited for these events. The aid stations are not easily accessible by car. The risk of getting lost on numerous forest roads or damaging vehicles is real. Furthermore, the race takes place on trails within the territories of ZEC, during the bow hunting season and just before the gun hunting season. We are asked to avoid excessive noise and movement that could disturb or scare away wildlife and to respect hunters who share the territory with us.

b) 125 km

Support crew assistance is allowed for the 125 km event. The role of the crew is to provide comfort, equipment, and food to their athlete. The crew is only allowed at the aid stations of Marmotte, Parc des Hautes-Gorges, Split-Naäk, and the finish line at Mont Grand-Fonds.

c) Rules Applicable to Support Crews

A fee of $15 (regardless of the number of people in the team) is required for the registration of support crews. This fee covers the accreditation and bus transportation to Marmotte and Split Naak aid stations. Here are the details:

  • La Marmotte: The road to Marmotte is dirt and only the width of a single car. A section of the road was washed away by floods, and the repair has made it difficult to use. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to go there with your own vehicle. Last year, a medical evacuation was significantly complicated due to the excessive number of vehicles. We have therefore set up a shuttle service to get there by bus. Parking will be available at the Saint-Aimé-des-Lacs racecourse (188 RUE PRINCIPALE, SAINT-AIMÉ-DES-LACS). Teams must get to the racecourse by their own means. A shuttle service will start at 1:30 PM on Friday and will run continuously between Marmotte and the racecourse every half hour until the last runner passes. Any unauthorized vehicle will be sent back to the racecourse. This is for the safety of runners and support crews.
  • Split Naäk: This aid station is accessible on foot or by shuttle only. Any vehicle will be sent back to Mont Grand-Fonds. There is no space to accommodate vehicles, and some forest roads are used by athletes during their event. Please respect this requirement.
  • Hautes-Gorges: This aid station is accessible by vehicle. Teams must get there by their own means. It is the next stop after the Marmotte aid station. Teams will take the shuttle to Marmotte, return by shuttle to the racecourse, and then take their vehicle to Hautes-Gorges.

Spaces will be provided for support crews who must be self-sufficient in liquids, food, and all equipment that can ensure their comfort while waiting (e.g., chairs). Support crews do not have access to aid stations and must respect the spaces assigned to them. Only runners with a visible and duly controlled bib have access to the aid stations.

It is forbidden for support crew members to run a portion of the course with an athlete.

Art. 4.6 Pacers

Definition: A pacer is a runner who accompanies an athlete in completing a section of their event. Their role is to provide moral support to the athlete.

Authorized Event: Pacers are only allowed for the 125 km event according to the modalities described in these regulations. They are prohibited in other UTHC events.

A fee of $15 is mandatory for the registration of the PACER. This fee covers the cost of the shuttle to Marmotte, Split Naak, the bib, medical follow-up, and use of the aid stations.

Application of the Regulation: Pacers are considered athletes within the meaning of these regulations. The following provisions apply:

Mandatory Provisions:

  • The pacer must:
    • Officially register as a pacer on the event’s registration site;
    • Collect their bib according to the procedures set by the organization;
    • Wear their bib at all times when on the course, visibly on the front of the body;
    • Always carry the same mandatory equipment required for the athlete for their event;
    • Stay with their runner at all times, except in emergencies;
    • Be self-sufficient in terms of transportation logistics, except in the case of Marmotte: The road to Marmotte is dirt and only the width of a single car. Additionally, a section of the road was washed away by floods, and the repair has made it difficult to use. It is strictly forbidden to go there with your own vehicle. Last year, a medical evacuation was significantly complicated due to the excessive number of vehicles. We have therefore set up a shuttle service to get there by bus. Parking will be available at the Saint-Aimé-des-Lacs racecourse (188 RUE PRINCIPALE, SAINT-AIMÉ-DES-LACS). Pacers must get to the racecourse by their own means and return. A shuttle service will start at 1:30 PM on Friday and will run continuously between Marmotte and the racecourse every half hour until the last runner passes. Any unauthorized vehicle will be sent back to the racecourse. This is for the safety of runners, pacers, and support crews.

Other Provisions:

  • A pacer is allowed between the Marmotte aid station and the Hautes-Gorges aid station and between SPLIT Näak and the finish.
  • The pacer can be different for these two sections, but only one pacer is allowed per athlete per segment (Marmotte to Hautes-Gorges and SPLIT Näak to the finish), and they must remain the same throughout each segment;
  • Pacers must be physically prepared to cover these distances;
  • The pacer cannot use the services at aid stations except in cases of force majeure;
  • The pacer can assist their runner at aid stations but cannot arrive before them at the station to start their refueling;
  • The pacer cannot carry the athlete’s equipment, food, and/or liquid in any case;
  • The pacer cannot physically help the runner in any way except in emergencies;
  • In case of the athlete’s abandonment, the pacer must also abandon their race. They cannot continue on the course;
  • In case of a pacer’s injury, the athlete acts as a first responder and must assist them;
  • In case of the pacer’s abandonment, they must notify the aid station manager. They will be given DSQ status. It is important to make this notification to avoid searching for a pacer;
  • The pacer must meet their athlete at the Marmotte or SPLIT Näak aid stations in the designated area and accompany them to the Hautes-Gorges aid station;
  • The pacer cannot abandon at the La Chouette or Montagne Noire aid stations except in cases of force majeure;
  • The pacer cannot go beyond the Hautes-Gorges aid station.

Penalties: Failure to comply with any provision of these regulations by the pacer will result in the penalties provided. The penalty will then apply to the athlete officially registered in the event.


Art. 5.1 Start

Races of distances of 28 km and less will depart from the Mont Grand-Fonds ski area.If the number of Athletes registered requires it, the start may be split into waves. Should this be the case, ATHLETES will be notified prior to the event.

All latecomers will be refused access to the start area and will receive a DNS (did not start) result.

Art. 5.2 Equipment

Some basic equipment is mandatory for these events. However, itIt is important to note that this is considered the absolute minimum required and that each Athleteathlete should adapt the material to their own needs and capacities.





COVID : two masks or face coverings

28 night/28/20/10/5



COVID : bottle of antiseptic product

28 night/28/20/10/5



EpiPen (for those who need it)

28 night/28/20/10/5



Reusable cup or container for food and liquids*

28 night/28/20/10



Survival blanket (min. 1,40m x 2m)

28 night/28/20




28 night/28/20



Waterproof jacket with hood **

28 night



Warm hat (tuque)

28 night



Working headlamp with extra set of batteries ***

28 night



Water reserve (Minimum of 500 ml of water)


 28/20 night/20/10/5


Food supply (energy bars, gels, etc.)


 28/20 night/20/10/5


Cell phone****


 28/20 night/20/10/5




 28/20 night/20/10


Cap, bandana or Buff®


 28/20 night/20


Long-sleeved mid-layer (arm-warmers do not count)


   20 night


Trekking poles



28/20 night/20/10/5




28/20 night/20/10/5




28/20 night/20/10/5

*  The aids stations do not have cups, dishes or cutlery. You must carry what you need with you. Minimum : 150 ml

**  The jacket must have an attached hood (windbreakers will not be accepted)

***  200 lumens or more for the main headlamp

**** With pre-registered emergency number (833) 427-7422. For short distances around Mont Grand-Fonds sector, cellular signal is generally available at all times.

Art. 5.3 Drop Bags

There is no drop bag service for events of 28 km and less.

Art. 5.4 Crew

Support crews are prohibited for events of 28 km and less.

Art. 5.5 Pacers

Pacers are prohibited for events of 28 km and less.



Art. 6.1 Disqualification

The following situations will lead to immediate disqualification and voiding of an Athlete’s bib:

• Missing a control point along the course;
• Not having completed the entire marked course;
• Voluntarily causing an accident or preventing another Athlete from passing;
• Dropping garbage along the course;
• Changing or removing course markers;
• Not helping a person in need;
• Insulting or threatening another Athlete, a staff member or a volunteer;
• Using a means of transportation during the race;
• Refusing a request from the medical team for a check-up on the course;
• Receiving a positive drug test result, refusing to take a drug test, or manipulating or attempting to manipulate a drug test sample;
• Using another person’s bib and/or providing false identification. Anyone in this situation will be disqualified and all those involved in the false declaration will not be able to register for any other UTHC race that year and the following year;

Disqualified Athletes will receive a DSQ result. Disqualification means the runner will not have an official race time and will not receive ITRA points for the race. These rules also apply to pacers and support crew members.

Art. 6.2 Penalties

Time penalties will be given to Athletes who break any of the UTHC rules of competition, based on the following list:



No visible bib

30 minutes

Receiving assistance outside the designated areas

30 minutes

Starting the race without all the mandatory equipment

45 minutes

Missing mandatory equipment at a random equipment check (except for missing items deemed essential safety equipment, which results in disqualification; see below)

45 minutes

Refusing to allow a mandatory equipment check


Missing any of the following mandatory equipment: survival blanket, extra water (at least 500 ml), whistle, warm hat, waterproof jacket




No visible bib

10 minutes

Receiving assistance outside the designated areas

10 minutes

Starting the race without all the mandatory equipment

20 minutes

Missing mandatory equipment at a random equipment check

20 minutes

Refusing to allow a random equipment check


Time penalties will be applied onsite, at the timing location, by race commissioners who are authorized to immediately enforce and apply the race regulations.

Art. 6.3 Request for Review


Any request to review a sanction must be submitted in writing to the UTHC at most one (1) hour after the official race results are released. The UTHC has 48 working hours to study the request and issue a final decision on the matter, which may not be appealed.

Rankings and times

Any request to review a ranking or race time must be made within 72 hours of the race. The organization has 12 hours to study the request and issue a final decision, which may not be appealed.


 – END –