
UTMB World Series

Trail runners at the Ultra-Trail Harricana, part of the formerly Ultra-Trail World Tour (UTMB), surrounded by the scenic landscapes of Charlevoix.

The Ultra-Trail Harricana of Canada team has taken good notice of the creation of the UTMB World Series’ new international trail running circuit.

The present efforts of the team are geared toward a continued involvement with the Ultra-Trail World Tour, which is scheduled until the end of 2021. “We have committed ourselves to this circuit for 5 years now; this has lead us to meet wonderful runners and organizers from everywhere in the world”, has explained Marline Côté, the executive director. “Thanks to the UTWT, we have found the inspiration and support to keep propelling us forward”.

The Ultra-Trail Harricana of Canada team has explained that it will carefully study what the UTMB World Series wishes to propose, but that its organizational values are not aligned in such a way as to allow joining this kind of private circuit at this time.