
Press Release
 /For Immediate Release


La Malbaie, April 23, 2020— More than just an event, but an organization that works year round with the trailrunning community, the Ultra-Trail Harricana™ of Canada team is happy to announce that 2020 will take place under the very meaningful theme of Solidarity.

With the slogan “Ensemble, plus loin / Together Further”, Ultra-Trail Harricana™ wishes to reflect on the ways in which members of the trail running community can collectively help one another in getting through the COVID-19 pandemic. This theme will be an opportunity to put forward the values that are already part of the very DNA of trail runners; sharing, openness, mutual help and respect.  

In addition to participating in the set-up of a large mobilization of organizations that work in the Quebec trail running environment, Ultra-Trail Harricana™ of Canada will be producing content with the purpose of motivating and inspiring athletes throughout the season. An example is the podcast series called “Free Your Wild – COVID-19 Special”.

Other measures will be announced throughout the season in line with the evolution of the pandemic and its impacts on our lives.

It is important to remember that, every year, Ultra-Trail Harricana™ chooses a theme that allows it to develop new aspects of the event or to emphasize certain current issues in the world of trail running. That is how it came about that the theme of sustainable development and the actions they led to allowed for our event to be awarded the “Reconnait” prize at its 2017 edition. This prize by Gala Charlevoix, is a recognition of our eco-responsibility and our ambition to become a leader in the organization of races that are respectful of the environment.


Produced by Carol-Anne Pedneault, an artist from Isle-aux-Coudres, the 2020 Ultra-Trail Harricana™ yearly visual symbolizes the solidarity of the UTHC with the wolf pack and their communion with other members of the forest such as birds, whose cries are sent high and far into the skies. Ensemble, plus loin. Together, Further. 

“An accompanied lone wolf becomes solidarity of sorts. Because it is in times of hardships and difficulties that we show our true selves, our oneness, together with our connection to others. When every comfort blurs out of its layout, our own fragility and strength are uncovered. In this solo that has morphed to become solidary, we gain in riches, depth and solidarity.” Translation of the original text by Isabelle Bernier.


Since its creation nine years ago, Ultra-Trail Harricana™ of Canada has established itself as a true trail running leader in Quebec. The event offers runners breathtaking scenery in the backcountry of Charlevoix, as well as a physically stimulating challenge. The 125 km event is part of the prestigious Ultra-Trail World Tour circuit, placing it on the international scene in a way unequalled by any other race of its kind in Quebec.

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Medias, 581-996-6400